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Dec 7, 2023

Listing on cloud marketplaces with Aayush Bahuguna and Brian Lawrence

Table of Contents


Call this episode a mini-masterclass, because Aayush Bahuguna, CTO, Clazar and Brian Lawrence, Head of Sales, Clazar compress significant wisdom around the approach to a cloud marketplace listing into a ~15-minute session.

Key points

  1. (00:42) Introduction to cloud marketplaces: Cases and considerations before listing on a cloud marketplace, understanding cloud marketplace roadmaps, and more.
  2. (03:24) Logistics and details of a listing: Understanding GTM objectives, and key business questions to be raised before listing.
  3. (06:41) Building a pricing model: Configuring an agile and adaptable pricing model on your cloud marketplace listing, choice of pricing paradigms, and setting up the right structure for your pricing.
  4. (09:57) The registration page and building a buyer journey: Providing great procuring experiences for your buyers through a custom-built cloud marketplace storefront and a registration page.
  5. (12:41) Managing day-to-day transactions: Life after listing for ISVs selling through cloud marketplaces, the general modus operandi to selling software on a new channel‍
  6. (14:07) Post-sales management on cloud marketplaces: Offering smooth contracting experiences, low-latency in legalities, and managing buyer and contract information through purchase and renewals.
(03:46) Β Β β€œI’ve heard many startup CEOs say their cloud channel motion failed despite hiring a new Alliance Manager and kicking in relationships with AWS. While it is important to drive success, it is also important to realize that an alliance manager is not a magic pill. They need time to build and take action on a long-term strategy that empowers you to take on the largest and best ISVs competing for attention in the marketplace before you start seeing results,” Nadav reiterates.
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